Monday, July 27, 2020

Thoughts On Global Leadership

Thoughts On Global Leadership My mom just sent me the link to an interesting article in the latest issue of Newsweek about the future of Americas global leadership. It begins: Can the United States remain competitive in the changing global environment? Newsweek asked 15 leaders in the fields of science, technology, education and business to assess the challenges we face and to offer some solutions. MIT President Susan Hockfield weighs in, as does MIT CSAIL Director Rodney Brooks. Call me an idealist, but my favorite of the responses is that of Tim Draper, who embraces the idea of countries trying to help each other instead of simply strategizing on how best to stay on top. He encourages us to recognize that competitors can present opportunities rather than threats. To universally accept this concept, of course, would require the world to think in much broader terms. And until aliens from some other planet attack us and force us to come together as a global entity to defend ourselves, it probably wont be a top priority for civilization anytime soon. I find this sort of depressing, but I find a lot about human nature sort of depressing. :-) Thoughts? (And so this entry doesnt get too heavy, my mom also sent me this link. Enjoy.)