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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Impact of the English Reformation and the Restoration on the English Colonies free essay sample
In England, conflicts among Catholics and Protestants, brought upon by the foundation of the Church of England in 1531 by King Henry VIII, put numerous in complete disorder. The Separatist, befittingly named, were a gathering of puritans searched out a getaway from the regulate debasement and customs rehearsed by the two beliefs. They accepted exclusively in the authority of the Bible, and saw unwarranted ceremonies and intends to arrive at salvation as degenerate. They additionally had confidence in the public eye comprehensively, pledges among God and His kin, chain of command and disparity, and above all the possibility of fate. Destiny was the possibility that recommended that Salvation was at that point dictated by God, and there is nothing one can do to modify that and the Puritans accepted that they were the chosen few of God’s youngsters that were picked for salvation. Puritan convictions were eccentric, not for the most part acknowledged and regarded unlawful in certain pieces of England, which was owing to the force held by the Church of England forced upon by the English Reformation. Along these lines in quest for strict opportunity, the Puritan considered the To be World as imminent sanctuary to live and succeed in their lifestyle. The first of the Puritans to go to the New World were the Pilgrims, who were of lower white collar class to working class status and one of the most energetic of the Puritans that needed to set up an Utopia guided by Puritan standards and practices. With the assent of the Crown, the Pilgrims cruised on the Mayflower and arrived on Plymouth. A lot more Migrated in the decades followed, known as the Great Puritan Migration. The drive to the relocation and colonization of the New England were fundamentally strict based from the aftermaths of the Reformation, not for onetary advantages in the viewpoint of both the Crown of England and the nonconformist themselves. In this way, in contrast to Jamestown, the Puritans went there to remain and flourish. So as to do as such, most of them moved there in nuclear families with equivalent number of people. The Reformation cause the most strictly energetic of the puritans to come to New World, thus, a solid linkage among religion and society was p rominent. The differentiation among chapel and state was nearly nothing. Just male church individuals were permitted to cast casts a ballot in political settings. Religion assumed a job in each perspective in the lives of the Puritans in the New England states. The agreements were a firm conviction among them wherein the activities of one individual mirrored the activities of the whole network. Hence, little security was a regular standard that they lived by and there was minimal strict opportunity in the New England settlements. Particular from the New England settlements, the foundation of the Middle states and the Carolinas were overwhelmingly propelled, during the Restoration, to increase a financial preferred position for the British Empire. Lord Charles’ II ascend to the seat offered path to the sanction of the Middle settlements and Carolinas in which he added to his steadfast teammates. He accepted it as an open door to restore the association with the English provinces and make Great Britain a genuine realm to be dealt with. He sanctioned the Navigation Laws that involved settlements can exchange just with English ships, a few things could be delivered distinctly on English ships, all merchandise needed to go through England to pay burdens before being dispatched to America, and to shield against attack. Route acts were a piece of the philosophy of â€Å"mercantilism which is an assortment of arrangements intended to keep Great Britain Prosperous through financial guideline. †These arrangements urged the settlements to act naturally adequate in both farming and production, the longing of valuable metals, a greater number of fares than imports, ocean capacity to control outside business sectors, solid states to implement strategies, and numerous other like it. . To the detriment of the English provinces, the work of mercantilist arrangements allowed the British Empire to succeed in riches and influence. Despite the fact that religion wasn’t a significant motivating force in the development of the Restoration settlements as it was in the New England provinces, it despite everything assumed a significant job in the kinds of individuals that moved to there. Maryland, established by Lord Baltimore, filled in as a shelter for Catholics. In any case, Catholics in the long run lost control due the deluge of different strict gatherings. Pennsylvania, in the other hand, filled in as an asylum for the Quakers, who searched out the New World to maintain a strategic distance from further mistreatment for their convictions in England. Their convictions were amazingly capricious with respect to the authoritative opinions of the time. For example, they trusted God addresses every last one through internal light including ladies, correspondence for all, challenge the possibility of chain of importance, were against servitude, were radical, and were exceptionally lenient and liberal disapproved. The execution of mercantilist strategies because of the Restoration, advanced self-continued economy in the provinces. Therefore, rice, cotton, and indigo gathering were an unmistakable fare in the Carolinas. This blasting agrarian economy required hard escalated work and a tremendous workforce and the abuses of contracted hirelings and slaves was the arrangement. The work of slaves and obligated hirelings permitted the South to have flourishing economy and its own creating refined that contrasted from the North. In spite of the fact that the financial powerhouse presented by the Mercantilist approaches that rose from the Restoration affected all the English provinces and strict opportunity was a main thrust for the greater part of the settler, British Empire embraced the arrangement of the Middle Colonies and the Carolinas in light of an essential objective, increased monetary preferred position, while before during the development of New England states, increasing a financial advantage was a sorry concern. Short Answers (5 focuses every) 12. What were slave codes and what were they expected to do? A progression of laws passed for the most part in the Southern settlements in the late seventeenth and mid eighteenth hundreds of years to safeguard the status of slaves and classify the refusal of essential social equality to them. These codes give supreme capacity to slave proprietors over the African slaves. Slaves didn't reserve the privileges to shape a family for it would mess up proprietors when isolating them. â€Å"Slave codes made it illicit to show slave kids to peruse; Africans ere not permitted to convey arms or ammo; kids were slid from moms rather than fathers so as to keep offspring of slaves subjugated; free ladies who wedded slaves had to serve the slaves aces and their youngsters became slaves; hirelings brought into the nation who were not Christians were to be oppressed (this included Negroes, mulattoes, and Indians), yet possible sanctification into the Christian confid ence neglected to change a slaves status. At long last, if a slave opposed his lord and the slave was slaughtered, the ace was exonerated for the wrongdoing of murdering his hireling. †13. What are a portion of the purposes behind the Salem witch preliminaries? How did the explanations behind the preliminaries exhibit the issues that compromised Puritan New England during the late seventeenth century? How was Hester Prynne, the fundamental character of The Scarlet Letter, a case of this danger? Numerous reasons added to the widespread panic of the Salem witch preliminaries. Youthful informers exhausted with book of scriptures study, a developing worker populace with mainstream intentions, and fears of locals needing vengeance. Individuals from the network were losing their strict qualities and moved their inclinations to exchange and trade. Hester Prynne is a case of how a general public attempting to clutch their qualities, sets a case of a people to deflect others from doing likewise â€Å"crimes. †14. What were the Navigation Acts? How could they endeavor to attach the American states to England? The Navigation Acts were a piece of mercantilism which is a lot of imperialistic arrangements that took into account British Empire to financially flourish. The Navigation Acts reestablished the linkage between the English states and England by putting exchanging constraints on the settlements with the goal that the British Empire can round up the advantages to the detriment of the English provinces. These arrangements expressed that â€Å"colonies could exchange solely to English ships, a few things can be sent distinctly on English ships, All merchandise needed to go through England to pay burdens before being transported to America, and strategies were set up in 1666 to protect against intrusion. †15. What impact did the Quaker populace have on the improvement of Pennsylvania? Pennsylvania filled in as a shelter for the Quakers, who searched out the New World to evade further oppression for their convictions in England. Their convictions were incredibly eccentric with respect to the authoritative opinions of the time. For example, they trusted God addresses everyone through inward light including ladies, balance for all, challenge the possibility of progressive system, were against subjection, were conservative, and were open minded and liberal disapproved. They likewise accepted that it wasn't right to take land from the Indians without installment. For their convictions, Pennsylvania was a central hub for strict resilience, correspondence among all including slaves and ladies, in addition to other things. 16. Who was Anne Hutchinson? How could she present a test to Puritan New England? Anne Hutchinson was a minister’s little girl conceived in England who followed her priest, John Colton, to Puritan New England. She began holding her own Bible investigations and petition gatherings in her place, which was profoundly eccentric particularly for a ladies being that pastors had the basic strict position. Her social occasions turned out to be incredibly well known among the two people around the province. They began to think of her as a prophet that spoke legitimately to God to spread the message among the network. Sooner or later, she began reprimanding the New England Preachers about their lessons of salvation among others. Sh
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Strategy and Case Analysis
Question: Talk about theStrategy and Case Analysis. Answer: Presentation Netflix Company was built up in the year 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. The organization has steadily, become amazing since most recent nineteen years and have changed the considering shoppers of watching motion pictures and recordings. The organization was set up with simple thirty work force. There were 900 and twenty five contributions accessible for fifty pennies for each rental at first. As on date the organization offers a huge number of films and has spread out in unique substance. The organization keeps on giving DVD rentals colossal contributions. The report beneath is the investigation of the ascent of the organization, since its initiation and its future in the profoundly serious market (Blake, 2016). Changing Technology In the year 1997 the organization was established, and inside one year of its foundation the organization propelled 925 rentals offering with a staff of 30 individuals at a rental expense of 50 pennies. In the year 1999 the organization presented month to month memberships. At that point pushing forward in the year 2000, the organization dropped rentals and went to memberships. In the year 2005, 35000 motion pictures were advertised. The organization sent out million DVDs every day. From 2006-2012 the offer of DVDs descended and the organization paid regard to its online contributions (Walker, 2016). The organization had an imprint in the gushing business sector, as it was generally preferred. In the year 2012 the organization discharged unique substance. It began with narratives and stand up appears. By 2013 Netflix had 27.1 million US decorations and its use in 40 nations. Estimating Strategy The organization fuses an exceptionally brilliant estimating procedure. At the hour of their first contribution the organization didn't charge any additional expense. In the event that the client had one DVD membership, they got a free gushing video. The clients even moved from an a few DVD membership to an affordable one DVD membership as the spilling alternative too gave different choices. The films can be viewed on I-cushions, TV and PCs (Murphy, 2011). At that point the organization initiated a huge increment in the costs and had a reasonable message that the organization is plainly portioning its client base. A few clients readily surrendered the DVD choice while others paid more. Some of them altogether left. Netflix has incorporated this estimating system with their model and they have a cost based reaction for this activity. After some timeframe when the client base will be absolutely and effectively moved the organization will offer a mid route choice of possibly giving a re gular DVD mail offering, which will appease the protests of the clients. The message of the organization is noisy and clear that it needs to expand its normal selling cost and in this manner intends to give more to its endorsers consequently of their value (Pelts, 2016). Development The organization sets an incredible case of troublesome development. Troublesome development is an advancement which makes another market and afterward progressively disturbs the previously performing market, along these lines disengaging the current market pioneers. Customers could conceivably see the huge change, yet these developments essentially become piece of their regular day to day existence. Problematic development was a piece of the organization technique (Ostrower, 2016). For Netflix, the DVD via mail model, drove its rivals into insolvency. The organization offered the administrations which were progressively moderate, open and accessible to the underserved clients (Capital, 2016). Netflix Current Performance Netflix customers are being included for a long time. Netflix had an expansion of 17 million hits a year ago. Their shopper base expanded to 13 billion out of 2015 from the earlier year and the circumstance was same for 2016. More shoppers are picking Netflix to watch satellite TV, play computer games and watch film as opposed to going in theaters. It is praiseworthy employment for Netflix to make such a significant number of buyers subject to them. Netflix is developing definitely and they are making shrewd methodologies. In year 2016 they have entered global markets for development, for a model, in China, the Company is intending to put colossal in universal markets for extension and development. Truth be told, they will likewise put resources into authorizing content. This will end up being a compelling methodology as they will sparkle their name in universal grounds too. Right now, they have just demonstrated that how much ward their clients are on them. Future According to Pacific Crest Securities, Netflix has become the main brand for future TV of the nation. They key to Netflixs achievement lie in the way that it has entered 130 worldwide nations and will reach up to 190 sooner rather than later. The Netflix future system lies in the way that they need to be worldwide and push ahead in taking global permitting to whatever number numbers as would be prudent. Netflix gives unique true information and has the position to give to the entire world which makes it altogether different from others. Netflix is intending to put enormous in this procedure to turn into a force to be reckoned with. They are getting ready for colossal information base of unique film shows and computer games to convey far and wide. With the technique of being worldwide, Netflix is intending to bring down its expenses because of economy of scales. Being worldwide will naturally assist them with dropping down expense per endorser which will at that point increment more c lient base including individuals from lower working class (Mcalone, 2016). Netflix worldwide extension and unique information will give them immense ascent later on. End In the event that we break down this report it turns out to be evident that Netflix as an organization has all around adjusted according to evolving circumstances. During the 90s, individuals were progressively reliant on DVDs for watching motion pictures, henceforth the organization was fundamentally occupied with rental contribution of DVDs. In the mid 2000, the organization moved from rentals to month to month memberships in this manner moving the reliance of purchasers towards membership. Also, when a huge area of individuals particularly the young became standard shoppers of the Internet, which is the point at which the organization moved its concentration towards online contributions. The thought clicked and the organization considered huge to be as it was very much acknowledged by the intended interest group. This is the manner by which Netflix changed the idea of watching motion pictures and video. Another explanation behind the companys development is its inventive thought o f discharging unique substance in 2012 as narratives and stand up appears. The blend of the companys universal development just as appropriation of unique substance is likely give a further lift to the companys development. Thus, not capitulating to the adjustment in business condition and low interest of DVDs, Netflix prevailing with regards to composing its own example of overcoming adversity. References Blake, K., 2016. The Rise of Netflix, Available at: of-netflix/ Capital, S., 2016. Problematic Innovation: How Netflix altered the video showcase, Available at: advancement how-netflix-upset the-video-advertise/ Mcalone, N., 2016. Netflix is the 'main model for the fate of TV,' as per Wall Street examiners, Available at: model-for-the-eventual fate of-TV as indicated by Wall-Street-experts/articleshow/51130093.cms Murphy, E., 2011. Netflix evaluating technique, Available at: procedure/ Ostrower, D., 2016. Netflix Instant Video Streaming: A Disruptive Innovation Thats Disrupting Netflix, Available at: development that is upsetting netflix/ Pelts, S., 2016. What Is the Netflix Pricing Strategy?, Available at: technique/ Walker, N., 2016. The ascent of Netflix, Available at: of-Netflix
Monday, July 27, 2020
Thoughts On Global Leadership
Thoughts On Global Leadership My mom just sent me the link to an interesting article in the latest issue of Newsweek about the future of Americas global leadership. It begins: Can the United States remain competitive in the changing global environment? Newsweek asked 15 leaders in the fields of science, technology, education and business to assess the challenges we face and to offer some solutions. MIT President Susan Hockfield weighs in, as does MIT CSAIL Director Rodney Brooks. Call me an idealist, but my favorite of the responses is that of Tim Draper, who embraces the idea of countries trying to help each other instead of simply strategizing on how best to stay on top. He encourages us to recognize that competitors can present opportunities rather than threats. To universally accept this concept, of course, would require the world to think in much broader terms. And until aliens from some other planet attack us and force us to come together as a global entity to defend ourselves, it probably wont be a top priority for civilization anytime soon. I find this sort of depressing, but I find a lot about human nature sort of depressing. :-) Thoughts? (And so this entry doesnt get too heavy, my mom also sent me this link. Enjoy.)
Friday, May 22, 2020
Where Does Space Begin
Space launches are exciting to watch and feel. A rocket leaps off the pad to space, roaring its way up and creating a shock wave of sound that rattles your bones (if youre within a few miles). Within a few minutes, it has entered space, ready to deliver payloads (and sometimes people) to space. But, when does that rocket actually enter space? Its a good question that doesnt have a definite answer. There is no specific boundary that defines where space begins. There isnt a line in the atmosphere with a sign that says, Space is Thataway!  The Boundary between Earth and Space The line between space and not space is really determined by our atmosphere. Down here on the surface of the planet, its thick enough to support life. Rising up through the atmosphere, the air gradually gets thinner. There are traces of the gases we breathe more than a hundred miles above our planet, but eventually, they thin out so much that its no different from the near-vacuum of space. Some satellites have measured tenuous bits of Earths atmosphere out to more than 800 kilometers (nearly 500 miles) away. All satellites orbit well above our atmosphere and are officially considered in space. Given that our atmosphere does thin so gradually and there is no clear-cut boundary, scientists had to come up with an official boundary between atmosphere and space. Today, the commonly agreed-upon definition of where space begins is around 100 kilometers (62 miles). Its also called the von Kà ¡rmà ¡n line. Anyone who flies above 80 km (50 miles) in altitude is usually considered an astronaut, according to NASA. Exploring Atmospheric Layers To see why its difficult to define where space begins, take a look at how our atmosphere works. Think of it as a layer cake made of gases. Its thicker near the surface of our planet and thinner at the top. We live and work in the lowest level, and most humans live in the lower mile or so of the atmosphere. Its only when we travel by air or climb high mountains that we get into regions where the air is quite thin. The tallest mountains rise up to between 4,200 and 9,144 meters (14,000 to nearly 30,000 feet). Most passenger jets fly at around up around 10 kilometers (or 6 miles) up. Even the best military jets rarely climb above 30 km (98,425 feet). Weather balloons can get up to 40 kilometers (about 25 miles) in altitude. Meteors flare about 12 kilometers up. The northern or southern lights (auroral displays) are about 90 kilometers (~55 miles) high. The International Space Station orbits between 330 and 410 kilometers (205-255 miles) above Earths surface and well above the atmosphere. It is well above the dividing line that indicates the beginning of space. Types of Space Astronomers and planetary scientists often divide the near-Earth space environment into different regions. There is geospace, which is that area of space nearest Earth, but basically outside the dividing line. Then, theres cislunar space, which is the region that extends out beyond the Moon and encompasses both Earth and the Moon. Beyond that is interplanetary space, which extends around the Sun and planets, out to the limits of the Oort Cloud. The next area is interstellar space (which encompasses the space between the stars). Beyond that are galactic space and intergalactic space, which focus on the spaces within the galaxy and between galaxies, respectively. In most cases, the space between stars and the vast regions between galaxies are not really empty. Those regions usually contain gas molecules and dust and effectively make up a vacuum. Legal Space For purposes of law and record-keeping, most experts consider space to begin at an altitude of 100 km (62 miles), the von Kà ¡rmà ¡n line. Its named after Theodore von Kà ¡rmà ¡n, an engineer and physicist who worked heavily in aeronautics and astronautics. He was the first to determine that the atmosphere at this level is too thin to support aeronautical flight. There are some very straightforward reasons why such a division exists. It reflects an environment where rockets are able to fly. In very practical terms, engineers who design spacecraft need to make sure they can handle the rigors of space. Defining space in terms of atmospheric drag, temperature, and pressure (or lack of one in a vacuum) is important since vehicles and satellites have to be constructed to withstand extreme environments. For purposes of landing safely on Earth, the designers and operators of the U.S. space shuttle fleet determined that the boundary of outer space for the shuttles was at an altitude of 122 km (76 miles). At that level, the shuttles could begin to feel atmospheric drag from Earths blanket of air, and that affected how they were steered to their landings. This was still well above the von Kà ¡rmà ¡n line, but in reality, there were good engineering reasons to define for the shuttles, which carried human lives and had a higher requirement for safet y. Politics and the Definition of Outer Space The idea of outer space is central to many treaties that govern the peaceful uses of space and the bodies in it. For example, the Outer Space Treaty (signed by 104 countries and first passed by the United Nations in 1967), keeps countries from claiming sovereign territory in outer space. What that means is that no country can stake a claim in space and keep others out of it. Thus, it became important to define outer space for geopolitical reasons having nothing to do with safety or engineering. The treaties that invoke the boundaries of space govern what governments can do at or near other bodies in space. It also provides guidelines for the development of human colonies and other research missions on the planets, moons, and asteroids. Expanded and edited by Carolyn Collins Petersen.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Anxiety Is A Common Mental Health Concern Affecting...
Anxiety is a common mental health concern affecting children, and children with ASD are at a higher risk for anxiety and concurring mental health concerns (Reaven, Blakeley-Smith, Leuthe, Moody, Hepburn, 2012; White, Ollendick, Scahill, Oswald, Albano, 2009; Wood et al., 2015). Studies suggest that anxiety disorders occur in 2.2-2.7% of the general population of children, while reports suggest that children with ASD are reported to have anxiety issues as much as two times higher (Reaven et al., 2012; Scattone Mong, 2013). Anxiety is associated with substantial functional impairment in children with ASD at home, school, and community environments (Reaven, Blakeley-Smith, Culhane-Shelburne, Hepburn, 2011; Wood et al., 2015). Anxiety in children with ASD may lead to excessive worry, distress, inability to socialize effectively, isolation, and insufficient performance in school (Reaven et al., 2012; Weiss, Viecilli, Bohr, 2014; Wood et al., 2015). Children’s anxiety symptoms may also change over time (Reaven et al., 2012). Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) has increasingly been identified as one of the standard approaches for children with ASD (Reaven et al., 2012; Weiss et al., 2014; Wood et al., 2015). CBT focuses on the change in cognition or how thinking is processed (Reaven et al., 2011). The program incorporates exposure, relaxation, and role-play with the social-cognitive information-processing factors related to anxiety (Weiss et al., 2015). Target goals areShow MoreRelatedAnxiety And Its Effects On Children1501 Words  | 7 PagesABSTRACT Anxiety is problematic in schools and affects children in the classroom. Anxiety is a feeling that makes them feel they are in danger even when there is not a threat. The anxious children may have an uneasy, persistent feeling about situations which can result in catastrophic thinking. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Summary The Native Son Free Essays
The Native Son is a novel by Richard Wright, which is set in southern part of Chicago in the 1930’s. The novel, which was divided into three books, Fear, Flight, and Fate, is basically a story of 22-year old Bigger Thomas, an African-American, and his struggles living an impoverished life of crime The scene opens with Bigger being awakened by the screams of his sister, Vera and mother. He saw that the cause of the commotion was a big rat. We will write a custom essay sample on Summary: The Native Son or any similar topic only for you Order Now He and his brother, Buddy, drove the rodent into a corner, but the rat retaliates and wounds Bigger. Ultimately, Bigger kills the rat with a heavy iron skilled Bigger’s wanted to become an aviator but is instead given a job for a white millionaire-philanthropist named Henry Dalton. During this time, his mother warns him to forget his criminal habits, lest he end up in prison and also tells him to go out and get a job if he â€Å"had any manhood in him.†Although he sincerely cares about his family, Bigger knows that he will never have a big time job that will enable him to support his family Despite his mother’s warning, Bigger meets his gang and they hatch a plan to rob Blum’s Deli. However, he is actually afraid to commit robbery and he tells this to his friend Gus, who in turn calls Bigger’s bluff. This angered Bigger and he attempted to stab his would-be friend but gets up being kicked out of the gang. He then prepares for the interview with Mr. Dalton. Although Bigger doesn’t really want to take the job, he is amazed by the massive wealth of his potential employer so he decides to proceed. However, he fails to answer clearly at the interview and frightened by some of the house’s furniture as well as Mr. Dalton’s blind wife, his maid Peggy and daughter Mary. Bigger remembers seeing Mary in a newsreel which showed that she was Communist sympathizer along with her boyfriend, Jan Elrone, who is a communist herself. How to cite Summary: The Native Son, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Inspiring Sherman Alexie free essay sample
Eric Moore English 102: Writing ll Mrs. Bobbi Buchanan 18 July 2011 The Inspiring Sherman Alexie In the essay â€Å"Superman and Me†by Sherman Alexie illustrates the unstoppable ambition and courage of a young Indian boy who beats the odds by rising out of a life of poverty and oppression and helping others do the same. He was a very intelligent child who loved to read. He wanted to be like his father, who was an avid reader. He loved his father with an aching devotion, so he decided to love books like his father. He was determined to teach himself how to read, to make a better life for himself. Alexie seemed to be a very driven man who knew exactly what he wanted, and was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goals. He would say â€Å"I am smart. I am arrogant. I am lucky. I want to save my life (210). We will write a custom essay sample on The Inspiring Sherman Alexie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †He didn’t want to work odd jobs to live; he wanted something better for himself. He didn’t want to be like his parents, who barely got by working odd jobs around the reservation. Alexie would pick up his father’s books before he was able to read. He didn’t know the words but that didn’t stop him. Alexie remembers when he learned to understand the clarity of a paragraph.He couldn’t say paragraph but he knew what a paragraph was. He called a â€Å"fence that held words (208). †He started to relate everything to a paragraph. I found this quote interesting because it showed him as a simple man, despite his accomplishments. This made him more relatable to me. As he began to understand everything in a paragraph, he picked up a Superman comic book. He still couldn’t read but he understood what the pictures meant. He was only three years old. This stood out to me because at three years old, my mind was on playing, not reading.When he saw a picture of Superman going through a door, he would say â€Å"Superman goes through the door (209). †He looked at it as teaching himself how to read. He eventually taught himself how to read. As he began to read, the books he read got harder and harder. When Alexie was in kindergarten he was reading â€Å"Grapes of Wrath†, while the other children were reading â€Å"Dick and Jane. †He was well liked amongst his teachers. He wrote, â€Å"If he had been anything but an Indian boy on a reservation he would have been called a prodigy. But because he was an Indian boy on a reservation he was called an oddity 209). †The picture this creates in my head is a boy that is an outcast and unpopular, despite his amazing intelligence. Even being shunned by his peers didn’t stop Alexie from achieving his goals. Alexie often would speak in third person to sound more modest about his talents. He always felt like an outcast, because he was so smart and knew how to read. Alexie writes â€Å"A smart Indian is a dangerous person, widely focused and ridiculed by Indians and non-Indians alike (209). †Alexie fought with his classmates on a daily basis.Alexie wrote â€Å"Indian children would submissively duck their heads when confronted by a non-Indian adult but would slug it out with the Indian bully who was ten years older (209). †They didn’t like the fact that he was smart and wouldn’t stay quiet when the non-Indian teachers would ask for answers when they would ask questions. He would also volunteer his services to help the non-Indian teachers with things around the classroom. Indian children were supposed to be unwise. Indian children were supposed to go belly up in a non-Indian world. They were praised by Indians when doing so, but Alexie didn’t want to fall into that statistic.He wanted to be smart and break that stereotype. With my knowledge of the brutal and sometime fatal treatment of African-Americans during desegregation of schools, I can imagine the similar obstacles he faced. Alexie refused to fail. He was arrogant, smart, and lucky. He would read books late into the night. He would read books at recess, at lunch, and in the few minutes left after he had finished an assignment in class. Sherman would read books as his family would travel to powwows and basketball games. He would go to the bookstore and read bits and pieces of as many books as he could.He would read books his father would bring home. It didn’t matter how small or large the books where. He would read the back of cereal boxes, newspapers, things posted on the bulletin board at school or the library. By reading constantly it showed the dedication Alexie had toward reading. Alexie would read anything that had words or paragraphs. Alexie loved his books, but he also knew that love had only one purpose. He said â€Å"I was trying to save my life (209). †He was determined to be a self-taught man. He wanted to be smart and succeed in life. Despite on the reading he had done, he was surprised that he became a writer.He thought that he would become a pediatrician. Today he writes novels, short stories, and poems. Sherman visits schools on the reservation and teaches creative writing to Indian children. In his childhood years he was never taught to write poetry, short stories, or novels. He didn’t think Indians wrote that way. Today he visits as many schools as possible. By his work in schools Indian children today are writing their own poems, short stories, and novels. Alexie has been a positive role model for the children on the reservation, by his devotion to preventing these children from going through the same trials he went through.The children have read his books and have been inspired by him. There are still defeated Indian children that sit in the back of the classroom. They are the children who don’t believe that they can be smart. They ignore him when he is speaking. But Alexie throws his weight against their locked doors and tries to dock the doors down. The children keep resisting him. Sherman says â€Å"I am smart, I am arrogant, I am lucky. I am trying to save our lives (210). †Throughout the story, Alexie shows that no matter what kind of background you come from you can be an intelligent person and succeed at life. He took it upon himself to learn to read.No matter the obstacles, he never stopped believing in himself. He believed in teaching himself to read and creating a better life for himself. With everything he has done in his life he still finds time and is able to give back to the Indian children on his reservation. He is a positive role model and example to the Indian kids. He has also shown that no matter what obstacles or what type of background you come from; if you work hard you can achieve success. Missy James, Alan P. Merickel. â€Å"Superman and Me 208-210†Reading Literature and Writing Argument Fourth Edition. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. 2011. Print
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